SMACC 桌面会计软件提供了多种类型的报告,以便识别销售、购买等。
SMACC 预置汽车维修系统提供阿拉伯语和英语两种语言。
SMACC program for car maintenance centers designed specifically for the management of maintenance work and workshops automotive centers accounting and administrative Accurately and professional high-quality software in order to meet all Mtalptat car maintenance workshops to allow You work order file full for each car are brought to the center, indicating the vehicle data, condition and services required system and features a number of advantages.
Features auto maintenance system
100% 免费试用。无需信用卡。
كل عام والسعودية تُعانق السماء مجدًا وطموح وإزدهار اللهم ادم علينا الامن والامان والرخاء واحفظ هذه البلاد وقادتها من كل سوء