The entry to this screen from the main menu: Almelvat- system control; – password system (* 09,121,209 *), which automatically be on the system.


Re-indexing of files – which as previously stated is a fast process for system maintenance and updating of files and requires all users out of the system during this process, and the same screen when entering a processing company – change the current processing as shown in Figure: –


When you choose this option screen appears to us as follows: –


1. The company name is written in the first line which is shown on the screen in Arabic and English.
2. Here is the introduction of the title, for example, or the commercial register
3. The beginning of the end of the accounting work and accounting work
4. data path and note that the data path is located is (C: \ SMACC5 \ DAT_01) and that in the main device in the network, whether the network of two or three devices, and it must change the path to read, but you must make sure the main device name if we take the eye mind that the main device name (SERVER)
The path (\\ SERVER \ C \ SMACC5 \ DAT_01)


If the master device name, for example (COMPUTER1) the path as follows: –
(\\ COMPUTER1 \ C \ SMACC5 \ DAT_01)