In this step, the system refund of the data required for the company, but you should know exactly when this feature is used only in one case, which is whether the company is required data retrieval where empty ie not contain any previous data or contain final required data. And the way we go to the main menu: File – copy the data and retrieval – Data Retrieval
The system will put the name of the latest version has been taken and we are pressing on continuing. A warning message will appear as shown in Figure (files on the disk will delete Warning)
But if the company data from 01/01/2010 till the date 31.07.2010 AD And we have the process of retrieving data, and the latest version has been priced in, for example, on 03/15/2010 m The system is a first step scans all the data in the company and retrieve data in any version that the data has become the date of 01.01.2010 till the date of 03/15/2010 m. The data from the date of 03.16.2010 till the date 31.07.2010 AD has been erased all of us, so be careful in this process.
كل عام والسعودية تُعانق السماء مجدًا وطموح وإزدهار اللهم ادم علينا الامن والامان والرخاء واحفظ هذه البلاد وقادتها من كل سوء