If you see this screen should focus on that message in the beginning (\\) in this case, the error from one of the following cases: –
1. master device (SERVER) Broken.
2. Distributed Network (HuB) does not function.
3. Cable network is not connected to the device.
But if it was only two machines at the client, this does not require the presence of a (SERVER) and
Device (HUB), but you must make sure that one of the following cases: –
1. At one time the two devices must work 2. Cable network non-conductive device
But if the message starts with the letter c-d -f as shown in the picture
You must change the data path from the main device, and the work of the master device, but before you start the work should take a backup copy of the data as this process any error could lead to a survey of customer data, and will be explained later.
كل عام والسعودية تُعانق السماء مجدًا وطموح وإزدهار اللهم ادم علينا الامن والامان والرخاء واحفظ هذه البلاد وقادتها من كل سوء